Records Stolen! What can be done about year end statements?

We had a break in and our records were stolen. Can you offer any advice on what can be done. A police report was done and we notified all of our members. What should we do about year end statements?

Comments for Records Stolen! What can be done about year end statements?

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Feb 22, 2013
by: Anonymous

Were your records kept on a computer?
IF so...This is a good example of why records should be backed up and kept at a seperate facility.
If paper only, your treasurer should keep originals in file and the bookkeeper should have a duplicate set kept at a seperate facility...
This is not going to help you now, but it will in the future...
Our church counters have a spreadsheet with envelope numbers only for weekly offerings, the treasurer keeps the original and the bookkeeper gets the copy. The master list for matching #'s and names is also kept at each location(this is so the donors remain aynonomus and anyone looking through the files will not know who gave what)

You might be able to look at your bank deposit slips to verify info(we put check# and amount-no names-if you do your this way- the individuals would need to get you what they have and you could match it up)


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