(Gary, Indiana)

We purchased a new computer. We could not transfer all information from old computer to the new one. And the old installation disc can't be found.

Does anyone have the installation disc(s) for Membership Plus 6.0 Or know where it can be purchased.?

Comments for mEMBERSHIP pLUS 6.0

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membership plus 6.0
by: Anonymous

i need the membership plus 6.0

Totally User unfriendly
by: Bob Nixon

We have been using Membership Plus for about 6 years. It is awkward, difficult to use, nonintuitive and fights the operator all the way.

If you have a church of 10,000 members, some of which have a computer engineering degree and you want to keep track of everything from offerings to Sunday School programs, membership activities and on and on this is the software for you.

However if you are a small church without a computer guru in your midst avoid this annoying disaster of a software package at all costs.

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