Mailing Contributions

by Pam Williams

We have a very large church and we hand out our contribution statments. Every year we have several left over from where our members either did not want theirs or other reason's why they did not pick them up.

If we mailed them the cost would be outragouse.
My question is if by law we have to mail them or if just handing out to those who want them is fine?

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Oct 10, 2010
Contribution Receipt Requirements
by: Vickey

See the IRS publication Pub 1771 "Charitable Contributions Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements".

It states that the donor is responsible for obtaining a written acknowledgment from a charity for any single contribution of $250 or more before the donor can claim a charitable contribution on his/her federal income tax return.

So I conclude from this statement that as long as you have it on file, you would be compliant with the IRS's contribution receipt requirements.

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