How Does a Person Become Licensed?

Our "pastor" is not ordained. He is just a member of the church that has taken the responsibility of preaching each week since we have no pastor. The church recognizes him as our pastor however. How do go about licensing him?


I'm you are out of my field of expertise:-)

Can anyone help?


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Comments for How Does a Person Become Licensed?

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Not Sure You Can License Your Own Pastor
by: Anonymous

I am not sure if you can license the pastor...maybe other ministers, but if the church licenses it's own pastor....the community may not consider it valid. For ethical reasons, I agree with finding a covering church or fellowship network to do it. If they are a true fellowship network, they would do it and not have any selfish gain.

how does a person become licensed
by: Anonymous

Thank you to the person that commented with "if we are a corporation we can ordain ministers ourselves"
How do we go about doing that? We are a corporation. Is there some special paper work we need to do to ordain?

Do it yourself
by: Paul

If you are a church (corporation and 501c3) then you can ordain your own ministers.

Licensed or Ordained through I-M-F
by: Tim Galloway

International Ministerial Fellowship is a wonderful organization that ordains ministers/pastors and serves as a covering for the church.

they have 1250 licensed or ordained ministers in the organization. they also serve ministers and churches by providing legal and tax consulting for their members.

I am licensed by IMF as well as 4 or 5 others who work in our ministry.


by: Glenn in Tennessee

You can also check with your denominational headquarters.

Licensing a Minister
by: Marcus in Texas

My suggestion is that you contact a School of Divinity at a college or university with this interesting question. You might also want to contact a seminary, such as the Southern Baptist Convention Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas or in some other city where SBC seminaries are located. I believe there is another one at Baylor University in Waco and another one in Louisville, Kentucky. Any of these places should be able to answer your question regarding licensing of ministers.

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