Giving Your Pastor and Staff a Christmas Offering

by Rita Hinton

Question regarding different ways to give Pastor and staff a Christmas offering:

In previous years we have passed envelopes out and called it Christmas Cheer for the pastor and staff.

This year we have a new pastor and she does not want envelopes passed out.

Her previous church would give her a Christmas Shower; however, if we do this we still have no gift for the other staff members.

Are there any other innovative ways to get the congregation to provide without the traditional envelope passing?


Okay, I need some of our brothers and sisters in Christ to help us out here. How do you handle Christmas offerings?

We use the traditional envelopes too. So I don’t personally know of any other way to get your congregation to provide a Christmas offering for your pastor and staff.

Dan Sherman of may have some good ideas for you. I will forward your question on to him.

Hope this helps.

Church Accounting Package

Comments for Giving Your Pastor and Staff a Christmas Offering

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Aug 23, 2013
Christmas Gift to Pastor and Staff
by: Cheryl

We get a card for each staff member and assign a person or two to collect the offering for the staff, i.e. keep track of the cards and $ in them. when we donate we are asked if we want to sign the card as well. then the cards and $ are given to the staff the Sunday before Christmas.

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