Counting cash donations?

by Milan Kresovic

We try to always have two church Members count the donations every week. We do this as we do not want just one person counting.

1) someone suggested that we need to have three people in order to be proper, two is not enough.

2) We have church Board Members and Church Members that are on the Audit committee. The auditors audit the Treasurer and other financial operations of the church. Is it a conflict of interest to have two auditors counting the donation money on a Sunday or for any church event?

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Apr 22, 2012
On Counting the Cash
by: Anonymous in NC

It is sound fiscal policy to have more than one person count the offerings on Sunday morning. They need to keep the privacy of who gives (and what) and be trustworthy in general in addition to being able to count. If people are suggesting to have three people count and the same qualifications are met in those three people, then by all means have three if they are available.

Apr 22, 2012
Counting donations
by: Milan Kresovic

We have made I a policy to ALWAYS have two people count. We are a small congregation however and having three is sometimes troublesome. So my issue is that it is fine to have two people but having three is not required. We cannot have the fact that we dont have three people slow down the process or prevent deposits. I also have a concern why someone is claiming that a church Auditor who is a parishioner as well cannot count money. We have three people on our auditing Committee and I had two auditors count the money (myself included) and someone stated that this was a conflict of interest to have an auditor counting money. They asked, Who is going to audit the auditor? My response is that the second person does and they audit each other.

Apr 23, 2012
Counting Donations
by: Anonymous in NC

Now please listen carefully to yourself, is it "we" or "I" who has a policy to "ALWAYS" have two people to count?

Also, one of the bulleted reasons given at this website to have internal auditors is to:

•Build the trust and confidence of the financial supporters of the organization in the way their money is being accounted for.

It is best in "building trust" not to have the internal auditors involved in counting the money that they will be later auditing.

Prayers to you and your church in working through this important matter.

Apr 23, 2012
Auditors counting
by: Milan Kresovic

"I" is supposed to be "It", I can see your point in not having the auditors count everyday. Our parish is very small and on occasion we may have to have two auditors count as there is no one around to count and the donation box just sits there idle which is not good. Money belongs in a bank:) Thank you for the feedback.

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