
by Linda

If someone is donating funds to the church to go to a particular ministry, is that tax-deductible? This particular ministry is not affiliated with the church, meaning they only use the church's facilities. I'm thinking that if the ministry is 501(c)(3), it would be tax-deductible, but if they are not, would it not be tax-deductible?


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May 31, 2015
Ministry Specific
by: Anonymous

I would think that if you are giving to a specific ministry, that ministry would give you a receipt.
This would have nothing to do with the church or facility they meet in.
See their leadership for the receipt.

Jun 01, 2015
Agree with previous answer. . .
by: Lewis in NC

For example the girl and boy scouts use our church facility, but if I donate to them, they provide the receipt to me for tax purposes.

Dec 27, 2021
designated funds
by: ML

Our church had a family that gave x amount of dollars specifically designated for two churches in Canada. Do I need to report/include these funds in their year in tithing/designated funds statement? Thank you.

Dec 29, 2021
Designated Contributions
by: Vickey

Since it is not designated to an individual and the church has agreed to handle the "pass thru" donation by accepting the donation and sending a church check on to the 2 Canadian churches … then the donation should be recorded in your church’s donor contribution records and proper "giving" receipts issued.

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