Churches and Religious Organizations Do's & Don'ts concerning Tax Exemption

by Donna Campbell
(Reno, NV)

I ran across this very helpful video from the IRS concerning the Do's and Don'ts of a 501(c)(3) organization, particular to churches and religious organizations. It covered a lot of territory, but I found it very helpful for anyone with questions about what a church/RO can and cannot do pertaining to inurement of income or assets to an insider, lobbying, political campaigning, UBIT (Unrelated Business Income Tax), minister's housing, and much more.

It may not answer your particular questions, but it pointed you to the publication that would help you. It didn't answer the question I was looking for, but it was interesting enough that I listened (and followed along with the PDF transcript provided) to the full 50 minutes.

You can find this video at:

I hope this is helpful to you.

Comments for Churches and Religious Organizations Do's & Don'ts concerning Tax Exemption

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Good Resource!
by: Vickey

Thank you! Very good video and a great resource for churches.

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