Do You Need a Church Web Site?

In every community there are people looking for a place to belong; a place to find and worship God.These people don’t always know someone to invite them to church and it is very difficult to walk into a church you know nothing about. So a lot of these people start looking online for information on the churches in their areas.

Building a Church Web Site

Church Web Site

Imagine if they come across a nice looking web site with pictures of the church, the pastors, and even some of the members.

It has a printable map and directions on how to find your church.

They get to read the pastor’s welcoming message and decide this might be a good place to find what they are seeking.

When they walk into your church, they are not walking in blind. They know which night the youth group meets on and have even read what activities are going on for them. The message from the youth director was very friendly and informative and his weekly online quiz contest was a lot of fun.

“Kidz Church’s” activities are something you know your daughter would enjoy and the pictures available to download and color is adding to your attraction to this church.

I could give many more examples, but I think you are beginning to see how a church web site could add to your community outreach.

It can also richly enhance your inreach. Imagine having an online bible study course, a silent auction fundraiser, and a prayer list available to your members. Last week’s sermon summarized on a PowerPoint presentation is a great way to keep that inspiring message fresh in your members’ minds.

Are you getting the picture of how a well designed web site can grow and excite your church?

Some of you are saying, yes, it might be nice to have a church web site, but there is no way we could afford a web designer to build one for our church.

You don’t need one.

In fact, in my opinion, the best church web sites are built by the church members themselves. Who better knows your church inside and out and will have that enthusiasm and devotion to make sure it is built exactly how it needs to be built?

But what if you don’t have anyone who knows the first thing about building a church web site.

You don’t need one.

All you need is one or two dedicated church members or better yet, a group of dedicated members.

You don’t even need to buy church web site software!

Your church can:

  • Create a web site regardless of technical knowledge and experience.
  • Build a site that will bring souls into the church, raise funds with online activities, keep members informed of activities, and be a blessing to those shut-ins that cannot attend regular services.

All you need is motivation and a strong desire to learn.

There are many affordable user-friendly site building sites to choose from.

I built my sites using Site Build It.

Site Build It is not just a web host. It is an "all in one" solution that includes hosting, domain name, site building tools, keyword research tools, traffic building tools, SEO feedback tools, newsletter publishing and traffic tracking tools. They handle all the technical updates and site security issues as well.

They have the tools available for anyone (even a novice with no web building knowledge) to build a quality informative web site.

Church Accounting Package

A set of 4 ebook packages that covers the following topics...

  • Fund accounting examples and explanations
  • Best methods for tracking restrictive funds
  • Donation management
  • Minister compensation and taxes
  • Internal controls and staff reimbursements
  • Much more - Click here for details