A Pastor who is collecting Social Security retirement benefit, but still works for the church...

by Dusty
(Fort Myers, FL, United States)

If a Pastor is retired from secular work and is collecting Social Security, is he still limited to what the church can pay him without interfering with his social security benefits?

I know the limit in 2020 is $18,240, but does that include housing allowance, medical or life insurance as well?

Thank you for your help,

Comments for A Pastor who is collecting Social Security retirement benefit, but still works for the church...

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Housing Allowance Counts
by: Vickey

I am assuming he is under full retirement age from your question. If so, the housing allowance will count as income when figuring how much he can make before his social security benefit is reduced.

I don't think the medical/life insurance would count as long as you are not paying him directly such as a medical sharing plan, BUT I am not an expert, so please advice him to call his local social security office and verify what exactly will count toward his earning ceiling.

I found an article that was written years ago, so the amounts are not current for today, but it is a good article and may help with. your question:


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