Where can I find a list?

by Bro. Robby Benfield
(Ridgeway Va)

I am looking for a list of what I can deduct from my income taxes. I am a bi vocational pastor. I do not have any taxes deducted from the salary the church gives me.

On my secular job, the taxes are deducted automatically each week.My accountant has asked me to bring her all my info and drop it off but she doesn't have time to list all of my possible deductions.


If you file a schedule C, here is some basic deductions available for the self-employed.

Some additional deductions available to ministers are your robes, Bibles, resource books, etc.

Preparing Tax Returns for Clergy is a great resource book! It has two complete tax return samples included in the book.

Hope this helps,

Church Accounting Package


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by: Robby Benfield

We are praying for your husband, Kevin.

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