Traveling Ministry Expenses

We have a traveling ministry. We hold meetings in four different communities, and have rented a house in one of the centrally located communities for ministry purposes.

We do not live there full time. Is it OK to have the ministry cover all the expenses for maintaining this house (rent, utilities, insurance) as it is one of our meeting venues?

We stay there for several days per month while we travel to the other meetings. And do we need to report these expenses as income, even tho we do not receive salary from the ministry.

All monies that come into the ministry are used for the ministry. We are looking to make this full-time when it is possible, at which time we will receive salaries from the ministry.

Meantime, I have been keeping the records as though it is a church. (I spent several years as a church secretary.) Since it is the end of the year, I need some advice! Thank you!

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Consult a Knowledgeable Tax Professional
by: VIckey

I was hoping someone with more knowledge on this than me would answer your question :-)

I am afraid I can only advise you to consult a tax professional regarding your question.

I think it would depend on several variables such as if it was your mailing address or if you stored your personal things there.

Sorry I could not be of more help. I do know there are some CPAs and tax professionals that occasionally answer questions on this site, but I do not think you would get an answer from them until tax season is advice is to consult a "knowledgeable" tax professional.

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